learnings from jamesclear.com
Of course you still can read all those articles on his website, they points are explained very well with inspirational stories and interesting hand drawings.
start a habit by doing the easiest thing again and again, like putting on your running shoes every morning
have a system of production and focus on this more and focus less on a goal
start by doing one thing for only 2 minutes
start before you are ready
towards your goal or system, collect small wins by taking small steps towards small wins
accept more, advice less
do it now -which is what i did when i read through the james clear's articles that interested me (based on the article title)
create more. when you create something, it has 50-50 chance to be great or be forgotten
become the master of your sleep. the act that you should control because you can control it
If you think about any job for long enough, you can find reasons for why it is unimportant, insignificant, or useless. but you can also find reasons why it is awesome
do what makes you come alive
put the tools for your trade (the things you need to create) in arms reach, beware: this is a recipe for a messy home :D
start with one pushup and add one more each day ( i used to do this before)
"Focusing on how you can immediately improve over your past self is more satisfying that comparing your current state to where you hope you’ll be some day."-james clear
share your work. "The world needs people who put creative work out into the world. What seems simple to you is often brilliant to someone else. But you’ll never know that unless you choose to share." -james clear
Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.
link the habit you want to gain with the habit you already have: After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].