Maple Trees in Autmn at Kegon-ji Temple

Yesterday we went to the beautiful Kegon-Ji Temple in Tanigumi where there were many old majestic pine trees. I was blessed to be able to sit under one of them as I painted two maple trees. I did not have enough time so I did the sketch in under 30mins and finished the painting at home today.

The earth beneath the pine tree was covered in soft moss. 

This was the awesome view when you look up from where I was sitting.

I wanted to sketch this section first.

Sketching the trees where my last choice but turned out to be the best because I got to sit under the old tree. That is Kikit of The Traveling Kit who took the pictures and helped me setup my video equipment. I used to just bring one notebook and a pen. Maybe I will do that again this winter.

This was my second scene choice but it was raining a bit and there where no good places to sit on that had shelter from the rain.

I finished painting today.

This is the 20min timelapse Video of the in-progress painting, Kikit set the camera to take a picture every 20seconds because it did not have enough battery to take pictures at shorter intervals.

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