
Showing posts from November, 2015

Maple Trees in Autmn at Kegon-ji Temple

Yesterday we went to the beautiful Kegon-Ji Temple in Tanigumi where there were many old majestic pine trees. I was blessed to be able to sit under one of them as I painted two maple trees. I did not have enough time so I did the sketch in under 30mins and finished the painting at home today. The earth beneath the pine tree was covered in soft moss.  This was the awesome view when you look up from where I was sitting. I wanted to sketch this section first. Sketching the trees where my last choice but turned out to be the best because I got to sit under the old tree. That is Kikit of The Traveling Kit who took the pictures and helped me setup my video equipment. I used to just bring one notebook and a pen. Maybe I will do that again this winter. This was my second scene choice but it was raining a bit and there where no good places to sit on that had shelter from the rain. I finished painting today. This is the 20min timelapse Video of the i...

Mt. Ena in Autumn

We went to walk the 7.9km Trail from Magome Juku to Tsumago along the Nakasendo Hiking Trail last Saturday. The Nakasendo Route was an old walking route that connected Kyoto and Tokyo during the Edo Period. At the Start of the trail there was a panoramic view point of Mt. Ena giving me the opportunity to paint the beautiful landscape. I had to do it fast because we want to make it to Tsumago Juku before sunset which was 430pm that day. We did make it just after sunset to Tsumago but the shops were already closing. There were many beautiful spots for drawing and painting and anybody living near that place should take the time to draw all the beautiful scenes. In Tsumago Juku there were still some shops open around 5pm (which was so dark already) and in those shops where water colour images sold as postcards, all were beautiful. We wanted to stay for the night but the inn (that would cost two persons 21,000Yen) was fully booked. The Egg Ramen at the Nakatsugawa Station (where ...

Gujo Hachiman Castle in Autumn

Photos by The Traveling Kit This is where I sat and painted. I wanted to sketch this log cabin but there was no more time. We had to go to the Castle before it closed. The View from the top of Gujo Castle. Under those Autmn foliage is where I painted Gujo Castle. Befor going home, Kikit persuaded me to do another sketch, I did not want to paint the Castle again and I liked the view of the tower better. Needs to be finished. I like to take a picture of the notebook placed at the spot where I sat. This is becoming a ritual for me. This is a quick time lapse of me painting the castle, I forgot to bring the tripod. Watch the beautiful clouds float by. This is the finished painting of the castle tower, done one week after. I just added more autumn foliage colours and extended the foreground tree trunk.

Sakura trees in Autumn

I think I over romanticised this sketch of the sakura trees. I painted this in my Live notebook . I brought a cam so I can do a time lapse video of me sketching, this is an experiment. Just a few minutes before the area I went to, there was this beautiful tree, I did not draw it, I jus looked up and stared.

Neighbour's house in the afternoon

This is my first drawing in my Love Notebook .