Spoliarium in ten mins

i painted the spoliarium in ten minutes using my android xperia phone in front of the real one while there was an educational tour.

my problem with the museum rules was:
-i was allowed to take pictures of the artwork but i was not allowed to paint it on your phone (what the? were they thinking that my version of the artwork might be so much better than the original?)
-i am not allowed to carry around my sketchbook (what am i going to do with it without a pen or pencil? press the paper on the artwork and pray that it will magically transfer into my sketchbook page?)

i get it that bringing pens and pencils are not allowed because (if you are like me) i might cover the artist's signature and sign my name in instead. i think they should update their rules or make it clearer. i asked the museum staff why 'i cant paint it on my phone but it's ok to take a picture of it on the same phone' and she could not give me an answer.

but anyway, the girl who was manning the artwork let me save the digital painting, maybe she knew i looked sexy under this flabby meatsuit.

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