the islets of guimaras

These sketches are products of a combination of speed skitching from life and drawing from memory. because we were in a pumboat as we islet hopped through the beautiful area in guimaras, what i did is to just sketch the outline of the islets and added a few details indicating which parts are shrubbery and which parts where solid rock. luckily the pumpboat driver was clever to catch what i was doing and would slow down everytime i was sketching. later on our way back to cebu, i added the details to the sketches as i have remembered them. Kikit wrote a good post about that trip on her blog. check here for more.

from ilo-ilo, take the pumboat to guimaras for 14pesos, in 15 mins. then head on to Alubijod via jeep for 35 pesos. there at the highway take the tricycle to the beach for ten pesos per head, for the island hopping trip, pay the pumboat operators 400 pesos for the first three hours, additioal 150 pesos per exceeding hour.

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