
Showing posts from May, 2011

Views from the park at Naga

the park in Naga, Cebu is by the sea and you can see alot of cargo ships docking there, when i was there, the park was undergoing an expansion hence the backhoe sketch. it's really a beautiful town but it is also polluted due to the coal powered electric plant. i think it's ok though if you only visit there and not live there. get there from cebu city by taking the bus going south, its a 30 min ride. fare is 15 to 20 pesos estimated.

Trees at the Philippine Eagle Park, Calinan, Davao

I am currently on a pernanent vacation (Finally i get to use that phrase), here in Davao. So to celebrate this momentous occasion, here are the first three scketches i have ever done in Davao. The Park is located one hour away from Davao City, for public transportation, you can take the Jeep to Calninan, and then take a tricycle to the park.

Sick Stone work at Tigbauan Church

Somebody must have been enlightend by the holy spirit and started to create this very intricate piece of stonework at the facade of the church. i was there sketching at 3pm under the sun and i think it took me 45 mins to finish making up the sick stone work that was infront of me. probably god's way of making me suffer on that faithful black saturday.

Columns at Molo Church


The Bell Towers of Ilo-ilo

The bell tower sketches below are mixed. From the churches in Ilo-ilo city to Miag-ao's oldest church. On the first after-noon in Ilo-ilo we went to Molo church and Jaro cathedral. In molo, the left bell was overturned. I did not sketch the Belfry at Jaro Cathedral but i instead did the bell tower in front of it. It was sunset and the Good Friday procession was about to start. I was standing in the middle of the crowed sketching the belfry. when the procession started, we went for dinner, ended up in Andok's hehehe. On Black Saturday we started at the farthest church we could get to. the Old Miag-ao church, my friend said there are tunnels underneath it but i think they do not let tourists go in there anymore, priests probably turned it into their private wine cellar. After the Miag-ao church we back tracked to the other churches until we reached Ilo-ilo city and had lunch at the breakthrough by the beach over a platter of Talaba and grilled Pantat. from cebu we got to ilo-ilo ...

the islets of guimaras

These sketches are products of a combination of speed skitching from life and drawing from memory. because we were in a pumboat as we islet hopped through the beautiful area in guimaras, what i did is to just sketch the outline of the islets and added a few details indicating which parts are shrubbery and which parts where solid rock. luckily the pumpboat driver was clever to catch what i was doing and would slow down everytime i was sketching. later on our way back to cebu, i added the details to the sketches as i have remembered them. Kikit wrote a good post about that trip on her blog.  check here for more. from ilo-ilo, take the pumboat to guimaras for 14pesos, in 15 mins. then head on to Alubijod via jeep for 35 pesos. there at the highway take the tricycle to the beach for ten pesos per head, for the island hopping trip, pay the pumboat operators 400 pesos for the first three hours, additioal 150 pesos per exceeding hour.