Bais City Fish pond

Located before you actually reach Bais city in Negros Oriental, you can see Central Azucarera de Bais (the factory chimneys) in the background of the fishpond drawing.
to Bais City:
  • take the bus (at south bus terminal) or vhire (at city link) to the liloan, santander warf. estimated fare, 130 to 150 pesos
  • at the warf, take either pumpboat or fastcraft, i recommend the pumpboat if you are the adventurous type and like the wind on your hair and you know how to swim. estimated fare: 50 to 70 pesos
  • the boats dock at the sibulan wharf in negros oriental, from there you can take a 45 min bus ride to Bais City. estimated fare: 20 to 40 pesos

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