
Showing posts from December, 2014

Camote (Sweet potato) plants outside our house

I Painted these Camote Tops (as we call it locally) outside our house last november, here in the philippines, we use the Camote leaves as tea or mix it with calamansi and make cold juices from it. Camote is also a root crop which you can eat as a rice substitute. I had been slow in posting on my blog, i am finding it these days that it is so much easier to post on instagram for many reasons but i think looking at pictures and drawings in bigger screens and resolution is still the main reason i but my works on this blog.

Atong baktason ang Pinas 2015!

That will be my new year's resolution for next year. For this year, i have been to many places all over our country and i have many of people to thank for in making those travels happen. Below is my score for the Lakbayan. The last time i used this was in 2011  and i have to admit i do not quite know the places/provinces in the philippines, i guess using this regularly will make my Philippine Geography better.