
Showing posts from April, 2011

atong baktason ang pinas!

My Lakbayan grade is C+! Found this cool tool via my question is, do the places you have visited between 1 to 12 years old count? because in most cases here in the philippines, when you are young, you do not have a choice where to go and money to get there. in the end i included the places, where i was born, and places we visited when i was a bed wetter. How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan ! Created by Eugene Villar .

at the trappist abbey at guimaras island

this was the only interesting thing there aside from the lots of interesting things to see inside the monastery enclosure that was off limits to visitors. get to guimaras from ilo-ilo by taking a motorized bangka for 14pesos. get to ilo-ilo from cebu by taking a boat. fare is... i forgot. :)

twin lakes, sibulan, negros oriental

when we got to the twin lakes area, it was raining and fogging, but i liked the scene alot specialy the trees in the middle of the lake casting blurred reflections. from cebu, take a bus down to liloan, santander - 150 pesos then a 30 minute pumboat ride to sibulan - 50 pesos or take a night trip from cebu to dumaguete via boat - 300 pesos from dumaguete, take a multicab to sibulan - 10 pesos get to the lakes by motor cycle, from sibulan - 300 pesos one way

mambukal mountain resort

following our wedding, the first major stop of in our negros island trip last 3rd week of march. mambukal mt. resort. last time i was here was ten years ago and it was not a resort yet, and there where no bats settling on the tall trees. the sketches here are in order of when i sketched it starting from the native cottage i did while waiting for our food being cooked. this tree is right at the foot of the trail going up to the water falls, the following sketches are of the various stages of the water falls. below are the sketches i did the next day, of the ishwata house and the boating lagoon get there by: plane from cebu to bacolod - rates vary but not more than 2500 pesos land trip: 1.a vhire from cebu citilink terminal - 100+ 1.b ceres bus from cebu south bus terminal - 100+ 2.ferry boat from toledo to san carlos -fare less than 100 3.vhire from san carlos to bacolod via don salvador - 100+ (very nice scenery) bacolod, libertad terminal to...